{"title":"Claire Thiébault","metaTitle":"Claire Thiébault – Compagnie DCA","text":"<p>After studying photography and film, Claire Thiebault finally opted for sound. She worked for several television networks on many subjects, from football to variety shows, before becoming a boom operator on the set of several television films and, later, feature films. After six years, she decided to leave the world of cinema and television and, in 1995, became involved with the Compagnie DCA. After working as sound director on the set of Decodex, she was responsible for the creation of Marguerite. She was also involved in the production of Triton 2ter, Shazam! and Coeur croisés. In 2003, she was responsible for the audio recording of Iris and, afterwards, became involved in the production of Solo. She is also involved in many personal projects, which so far include three short films on dance.</p>","role":"Sound engineer","color":"gray","gallery":[]}