{"title":"Joachim Latarjet","metaTitle":"Joachim Latarjet – Compagnie DCA","text":"<p>Trombonist born in 1970, he founded the Oh ! Oui… Company with Alexandra Fleischer Oh! Yes ... and directed a number of musical theatre shows: Du travail bien fait, F., le fou, l’assassin,<em> Oh ! Oui…, Hox, Acte V, Happy End, Stille Nacht, There it is, Ce Que Nous Vîmes, My Way, Le Chant de la Terre, Songs For My Brain</em>, and two cinema-concerts Charley Bowers, <em>Bricoleur de génie</em> and <em>King Kong </em><br />\nHe was an associate artist at La Filature (Scène Nationale de Mulhouse) from 2008 to 2012.<br />\nHe is a founding member of the company Sentimental Bourreau and participated in all their creations from 1989 to 2000.<br />\nHe worked with Michel Deutsch on <em>Imprécations II, IV, 36.</em><br />\nHe composed the music for Solo by Philippe Decouflé which he has performed on stage since 2003.</p>","role":"Musician","color":"gray","gallery":[{"attrs":{"src":"https://cie-dca.com/media/pages/compagnie/equipe/joachim-latarjet/1d73fc6481-1697464214/latarjet-900x600-q80.jpg","width":640,"height":477,"alt":"","srcset":"https://cie-dca.com/media/pages/compagnie/equipe/joachim-latarjet/1d73fc6481-1697464214/latarjet-900x600-q80.jpg 1x, https://cie-dca.com/media/pages/compagnie/equipe/joachim-latarjet/1d73fc6481-1697464214/latarjet-1800x1200-q80.jpg 2x"},"legend":null,"type":"image/jpeg"}]}