{"title":"Laurent Radanovic","metaTitle":"Laurent Radanovic – Compagnie DCA","text":"<p>Laurent obtained a degree in cinema and audiovisual studies in Paris VIII. He started to work at La Cinémathèque Française in the department of the programs, in charge of editing and maintaining broadcasted copies. He also participated in the conservation of the copies of CinédoxParisFilmsCoop, an experimental film theatre of great renown in Europe. In 1997 he joined the Compagnie DCA as projectionist, and since then he participated in all the Company projects.<br />\nAlongside his work for the Company, he collaborates with Olivier Simola on projects of Benjamin Millepied, and of the singers Nosfell and Raphaël. He also managed video for the festivals Scopitone in Nantes (France) and Paris Quartier d’Eté. His participation as video designer has increased from 2011 with <em>Octopus, Contact, Wiebo</em> and <em>Courtepointe</em>. In 2012, he took part in the realization of interactive installations for the exhibition \"Opticon\" presented in the Grande Halle de la Villette (Paris). In 2016, he worked on the show<em> My Name is Shingo </em>(Japon).<br />\nHe has also been a member of the video team at the Philarmonie de Paris since 2016.</p>\n<p>Video management extended to theater: Guy Cassiers, Vincent Macaigne, Vincent Delerm, Yann-Joël Collin.</p>","role":"Video designer","color":"gray","gallery":[{"attrs":{"src":"https://cie-dca.com/media/pages/compagnie/equipe/laurent-radanovic/707179e4e5-1697464218/radagrand2-900x600-q80.jpg","width":589,"height":600,"alt":"","srcset":"https://cie-dca.com/media/pages/compagnie/equipe/laurent-radanovic/707179e4e5-1697464218/radagrand2-900x600-q80.jpg 1x, https://cie-dca.com/media/pages/compagnie/equipe/laurent-radanovic/707179e4e5-1697464218/radagrand2-1800x1200-q80.jpg 2x"},"legend":null,"type":"image/jpeg"}]}